What are you writing about?

Every time you write anything you must know why you do it. If the writer doesn’t know the point of their writing then the reader certainly will not get it out of the air.

That means in a perfect world, a writer without a point will soon be a writer without a reader. Or at least a writer with a confused and frustrated reader. Most of the paper writings reviews from admission officers and college professors point out the lack of clear objective of the essays students submit to them.


As a student, you must understand that successful essays aren’t those that have the specified word count and have rhetorical figures peppered here and there for decoration. Successful essays are those that change the mind of the reader – at least for a while – in a way that the writer intended. You are in charge of the reader’s experience.

So, before you even start crafting the topic, think. What is your point? Why does it matter? Why you reader should even bother to consume your text?

Coming up with the topic

First, decide on your topic. Just take the subject you plan to address. Narrow it down to one particular word or straightforward phrase. For instance, you plan to create an article about organic farming. Then that’s your phrase – organic farming.

Second, what about it? Ask yourself a relevant question about your topic. For example, how can you make people support organic farming more? Now turn that question into a statement, such as “You can make organic farming mainstream”. This is your point. But you aren’t carried out but.

Third, you will want to expand and get your point across so you should come up with supporting points. Don’t forget, not only do you have to make your point, but you also want to make it clear and apparent, so that your readers would think: “How come I never thought of it myself?” That is why support is crucial.

Crafting the thesis statement

The number of supporting points can be any that fits the length of your essay. For an average college paper, three is a good number. For example, for our topic that would be something along the lines: buying locally, preferring seasonal vegetables, and cooking at home.

Ultimately, you join your statement with the three points and use a preposition to join the two with each other. In this case probably \by\ would work greatest and often \due to the fact\ is a very good option. Some other prepositions consist of about, during, via, under, and with.

Now you have a very good introductory paragraph:
You can make organic farming mainstream by buying locally, preferring seasonal vegetables, and cooking at home.

Not only do you have a point that you will be clear and apparent to the reader, but you also have a road map for your essay. Just expand on every supporting point and you will have a strong case and great structure.

Taking a couple of minutes to come up with your main point for your writing is worth spending the time as it will make your work simpler and the result more effective.

What makes Assignment Writing Services so Popular?

As controversial as they might be, it seems that writing services aren’t going anywhere. What makes students seek help from a paperwriting company taking the risk of expulsion? Can it be that these services have some other benefits to offer apart from helping lazy students to shirk?



Renowned services employ only professionals with extended experience. What you struggle to achieve, these people are expert at. Structuring and planning your paper might be a headache to you, but they’ve done it dozens of times. They are also well-versed in a variety of academic styles and types of papers.

This cannot be learned without tons of practice and hence many students consider getting their assignments done by professional writers, who already have strong writing skills. This strategy not only saves ample amount of time but also aids in acquiring expertise from those brilliant examples.


Sometimes the main difficulty is in coming up with ideas on the topic. When you aren’t very familiar with the concept, how can you invent the ways to argue about it? Sometimes the situation is quite the reverse – the topic is so well-thumbed and tired that however one tries, one cannot invent an interpretation that would be original enough for a thesis statement.

When faced with such a dilemma, students sometimes turn to services for ideas and out-of-box thinking.


The academic style of writing must be rigorously observed in college papers. Some students struggle with academic writing because of its ascetic style that prohibits colloquialisms and metaphors we use in other types of writing, such as personal statements or letters. It must be logical, factual, and straightforward. However, traditional academic language, or so-called academese is notorious for its heavy syntax, obscure jargon, and wordiness.

This contradiction can be quite confusing for inexperienced students, so it’s only natural they want some guidance that writing services provide.


Every academic paper must be carefully structured. There is a prescribed word count for every type of paper, a plan one should follow, and the size of each particular section within this plan. Adherence to this structure can be an additional challenge for students. Sometimes they aren’t even aware of those requirements in the first place because college professors expect them to be familiar with academic paper writing from high school.

Writing services provide this structure and can edit a paper submitted by a student so that it answers all the required parameters.


Imagine reading a paper that does not make sense due to non-uniform continuity of ideas, which perplexes the readers preventing them from drawing any relevant conclusions. This creates considerable difficulty in understanding the underlying purpose of writing. Hence, the flow of the text, aka the logical connection between the paragraphs has to be established in order to ensure smooth flow of information. One should describe events in the due order, allowing the understanding of the main idea and the string of arguments.

Such coherence can only be achieved by practice and a high level of expertise in a respective topic. As we mentioned earlier, writers employed by writing services are specialists with an impressive experience in writing as well as in their fields of academic interest, which makes their writing a brilliant example of what a student should strive for.


Student types you will definitely meet in your classroom

College changes many of us. People usually don’t leave the walls of their school the same person that had been admitted four years prior. Therefore, the types described below aren’t static. People may grow their way through the succession of them and leave them behind as clothes that are now too small to fit their entire personality. One thing is certain – you can find them in any classroom.

The White-Knuckler


This is the hyperventilating bundle of nerves that turns everything into drama. This guy (or gal) is overcome with worry about everything – from the professor being late to a lost pencil. The most terrible thing for this type of student is the unknown because they let their imagination run wild if there’s any call for it. They overthink every question on the test and often get lost trying to find a catch in a pretty straightforward question. They dread failure and even if they are polishing their second draft of an essay that is due in two weeks, they will still google frantically  is Paper Writings legit  – just in case. They can have a nervous breakdown if the professor doesn’t turn the graded tests precisely the day she said she would. They can be pretty smart but they tend to underestimate their abilities and overestimate ramifications of every step they take.

The Smarty Pants


…aka the Know-It-All, aka the Human Encyclopedia. There are lots of erudite students in any college, but Mr. and Ms. Smarty Pants are usually distributed one per class. Why this scarcity? It’s quite easy – bookish disposition and high IQ scores aren’t nearly enough to qualify you for this title. You have to possess that overpowering desire to show everyone your intellectual superiority. You have to be obnoxious. You have to be narcissistic and forget all that nonsense about silence being golden. If you have a shred of knowledge about the issue the professor has just brought up – LET. IT. SHOW.

The Tech Geek


Even if you major in Humanities, your class probably has your own Tech Geek. Tech Geek approaches everything from the tech point of view. (S)he is the one who creates customized student planner app because those ready-made ones available for downloading are lame. They are the ones who create a closed group in an obscure geeky messenger to crowd-source useful campus information without realizing that the number of users of the said messenger lining on campus equals about four people (themselves included). They build robots that are supposed to save them oodles of time by making their sandwiches in the morning. Pity they have already spent man-hours on building it about enough to run cafeteria for three weeks.

The Frat/The Sis


We are all social animals and Greek life is a nice added bonus to college opportunities. That said, some people take it to the whole new level. This is their niche. Their devotion to Fraternity/Sorority is cult-like and uncanny. It’s not just an element of college life. It becomes their life. They hang out only with other bros/sisters as if socializing outside the group were fraternizing with the enemy (pun intended). They are the ones that insist on having identical hairdos and makeup and reinforce the stereotypes about “frats” and “sorority girls” entrenched in the mass culture. Well, at least someone enjoys it.

The Athlete


This individual sports shorts and shirt combo as if they just left the gym or is going there in a minute every hour of every day. This doesn’t mean that they are a Division I athlete. They just like to look this way. The nonchalant air and readiness to struggle their way through the cheering crowd of fans (even if there aren’t any) are also compulsory attributes. Usually, the Athlete makes a point of not caring about the tests and assignments as visibly as possible. They are here to win the victory for their team and get the degree as an added bonus. All those petty academic formalities couldn’t bother the true Athlete less. 

The Sleeping Beauty


This person must be seriously sleep-deprived because their ability to fall asleep in the least likely time and place is impressive. However, you may feel a bit envious watching them as they drool peacefully in the front row, sloooowly sliding down, oblivious to the world around them. That is, until they wake up sharply – startled and disheveled – as the professor clears his throat loudly or simply raises his voice for the effect. Usually, they are the focal point of class’ attention on days when the lecture is particularly boring, the anonymous Instagram stars and staples of viral YouTube videos.



5 Signs That You Should Switch Your Major

Some students come to college knowing exactly what they want and sticking to their decision. Others have a vague concept of which area they might like and keep their options open. Then, there are those who have no idea what their major should be and try to figure it out on the go. All those options are valid but how to tell which one is yours? You don’t want to suffer through four years of angst only to find yourself with a huge debt and a degree your hate. If any of the below sounds like you, you might want to reconsider your major.

Coursework bores you to tears

It’s okay to dislike some of the subjects or some particular topics. Even the most enthusiastic students find some classes underwhelming and no one expects you to enjoy every assignment as much as a pool party. However, if you feel consistently bored with everything you are taught and paperwriting becomes a painful chore you avoid, maybe it’s time to face the uncomfortable truth. You must retain at least a spark of interest in your major.


bored student

Unrelated classes make your eyes sparkle

Having diverse interests and being excited about elective subjects unrelated to your major is okay. It makes you a well-rounded student and an interesting person. It may even prove to be useful in the future. However, if you would rather throw your major subjects out of your schedule to make more room for something completely unrelated, there is a chance you are in the wrong place altogether.

You feel stressed all the time

College is a stressful time for a number of reasons. New environment, time-pressure, tight schedule, money, relationships with peers, extracurricular activities – it would be unrealistic to expect that college life is absolutely stress-free. However, if you regularly feel that you must drag yourself to classes, you dread the tests, or you experience panic attacks every morning – it’s time to change things. Whatever made you choose this particular major, it’s not worth sacrificing your wellbeing.

Your grades are plummeting

GPA isn’t everything and I am not encouraging you to obsess over grades. Sometimes you can slack a bit. Maybe it was a particularly difficult time for you this semester for some personal reasons. Anyway, college is supposed to be challenging – you don’t get golden stars simply by trying. However, if you feel that you give your absolute everything and not getting any progress, maybe you should face the fact that you are not going anywhere. Maybe you just aren’t good at it. Find something that is more your speed.


You hate all of your instructors

There are cases when people just won’t get along with each other. Some of the professors have annoying habits, some keep misspelling your name to your utter embarrassment, some are snobs, and some are okay but for some mysterious reason seem to dislike you. It happens. The chemistry is just wrong. However, if you hate every professor in the department, this might be more than a coincidence. It might be that you actually hate your major and projecting your negative feeling on your instructors. Try to analyze your emotions.


Changing your major might seem like a step back. After all, it means that you will spend more money and time in college. However, it doesn’t mean that you have failed. It means that you are doing college right – you make your mistakes into lessons and learn things about yourself. After all, up to 50% of college students in the US change their major at some point.

Don’t Let Writer’s Block Ruin Your Essay

What do you imagine when you hear “writer’s block”? A playwright smoking nervously in front of an old-fashioned typewriter, balled-up papers littering the floor around the desk? That’s what most of us see. However, you don’t have to be a writer to experience writer’s block. You don’t even have to write that much. Writer’s block is not a burnout. It’s not a creativity crisis. Anyone can experience it when they have to write some text but for one reason or another freeze before the blank page, unable to construct one coherent sentence.

Many students who turn to PaperWriting know about writer’s block all too well – and we know how to help them! Here is what you can do when the writer’s block is ruining your essay.


writer's block

Ask yourself “why”?

This must be an earnest inquiry and an honest answer. You see, this is not about you being lazy. This is about you not wanting to do this particular task. Are you bored out of your wits with the topic? Are you afraid your work will not be perfect? Are you anticipating sharp criticism of your instructor? Maybe you just tired and your brain needs a break?

By identifying your problem, you set yourself on the path to its solution. Depending on the initial roadblock you may choose one of the following strategies to cope with it.

Find more information

Maybe you feel uncertain about writing because your research isn’t complete. If you don’t have a full picture, it’s hardly surprising, you cannot make assumptions and draw conclusions. If you believe that your block is caused by lack of information, go and get it!

Sometimes the topic is so unexplored that information is scarce. Don’t be afraid to visit your instructor during their office hours and ask if they can recommend some sources. Ask your librarian – they don’t know everything, but they sure know where to look.

Make an outline

Sometimes you have done so much research that it hinders you. Your mind is overwhelmed with facts and ideas buzzing inside. When you sit down and get ready to write they all rush in to be the first one and trample each other. This is very confusing and frustrating. However, this can be helped.

Make an outline of all the important things that must be in your essay. Jot down some curious facts you want to include. Don’t try to write an essay just now – make brief notes with keywords. This way you will structure the material in your head. Every fact will now know its place and you will find it easy to elaborate on your key statements.


Write now, edit later

Break it down

Sometimes students are stunned by the sheer magnitude of the task. If you ever had to shoulder one hundred and fifty pages of a dissertation, I bet you felt helpless looking at a blinking cursor mocking you from the blank page. It’s okay! You don’t have to do it all in one go. Break it down into reasonable portions. This way the task won’t be as intimidating.

As Mark Twain once wrote, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one”.

Write and edit

Sometimes the block haunts perfectionists who feel very uncomfortable about their work being anything less than flawless. They generally have a tough time being assessed. If someone made sharp comments about your writing before or you know that your instructor is very demanding, you may feel anxious and uncertain whether you are able to meet the requirements. Colleges with competitive student culture tend to make such insecurities even worse.

If this is your case then the only possible option is just to write. Don’t attempt to nail a perfect entering sentence in your first draft. Just share your ideas. You can always revise and edit the text. As Margaret Atwood said, “If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word”.

Writing an Application Essay is Easier than You Think


Many students find it excruciatingly difficult to write an application essay. They even try to find someone to do it for them. If you one of those who stress about college application and wonder is Paper Writings legit for that purpose, this guide will help you to write a brilliant applications essay – all by yourself!

Take time to understand the prompt

The first step to writing a great application essay is making sure you truly understand your prompt. Most colleges offer several topics to choose from, so take your time to contemplate each. They may look very different and range from quite trivial to very personal. Yet do not be deceived by the trivial ones – they too are designed to challenge you and get an insight into your mind. So, before you even start brainstorming, think how each of the topics applies to you.

Do not choose the topic right away. Sleep on it. While you are working on your essay and even when it’s done, do not forget to check if it adheres to the original prompt.

Be authentic

The best thing is to present yourself as you really are. Too many young people try to trick the system and present themselves as they imagine college wants them to be. This is a mistake because you want the college to admit you, not that perfect imaginary student you just created in your mind.

If you are not sure how you manage that, try showing your essay to someone who knows you well. For example, your parents or your friends. Ask them if the essay sounds like you. When it comes to the college admission process, presenting yourself as who you are is the best you can do. I know, being yourself demands courage, especially now when you are still figuring out who you are. Maybe your application essay will help you to understand yourself better.


Okay, that is the trickiest bit. The entire point of your application essay is to sell yourself to the college, show how great you are so they want to admit such a student right away. However, most of us don’t feel comfortable about bragging and fear they might sound full of themselves. There is a way to do it humbly and that is where storytelling comes to the rescue.


You don’t have to tell, “I am confident” or “I am a loyal friend”. Instead, you should tell a story about yourself related to the prompt where you exhibit respective qualities. This way you stay humble and the story tells everything for you. If you want to show confidence, tell how you performed stand-up at your school event. Tell that you are the first one to hit the dancefloor on the dance night while everyone else is playing wallflower. “Show, don’t tell” is the main principle here.

Don’t list your credentials

Keep your trophies, extracurricular activities and leadership roles on the formal application. There is a section on your Common Application form where you are supposed to put those. Do not repeat yourself. The essay is about your personality, not your achievements.

It is about your goals and about how this particular college can help you to achieve them. Remember, colleges have personalities too. Your essay must leave the admission officers with the impression that you are the perfect fit for their school. Not the perfect student that Harvard would be lucky to have. Perfect for them. That is why you should personalize each essay if you apply to several colleges.

Not a rocket science, huh?

Welcome to our blog!


happy students

Welcome to PaperWritings company Hatena blog! It deals with student life, academia, paperwriting, and all things college from admission to graduation. If you are now asking yourself, “What is PaperWritings.com, anyway?” pop to our official website and have a look around.

Meanwhile, we would like to introduce our company to you and dispel any misconceptions you might have about it being scam, fraud or other weird stuff.

In a nutshell

We provide various services to students who are in need of writing support. This can happen if you cannot make heads or tails of a super-complex assignment, need guidance preparing your application essay, or simply do not have enough time to write multiple pages that are due too soon.

Everything you might have for a writing assignment you can order from PaperWriging: essays, public speeches, term papers, research reports, and even solutions to complex math problems. We can also proofread the text for you if you have already written it but you think it can use some editing and polishing.

Experienced writers at PaperWritings review articles from annotated journals and other verified reliable sources for their research so you can rest assured of the highest quality, up-to-datedness, and relevance of the data used.

The process

Placing an order is as simple as ABC. First of all, you must sing up so you can have your own secure dashboard where you will be able to track the progress of your order. You can do it within our app or via the website.

Please make sure that you have access to the email that you indicate for your PaperWritings sign in. This is very important, as your papers will be sent to that email. There is no point in inventing fictional emails for the sake of anonymity. Our system has all the necessary security mechanisms to protect your data and identity, so it’s absolutely safe and you don’t have to worry about being tracked down by your teacher or the University.

The order-placing system will guide you step by step through the entire process, providing multiple options to choose from. If there is anything missing or you are not quite sure what to choose, you can always chat with our support team or contact them by phone. They will be happy to sort things out for you.


competent team

After filling out all the details and preferences, you will be prompted to enter a PaperWritings discount code. You can get one for being a loyal customer, for consecutive orders, for referring us to a friend, and some other ways. You can also find some of the PaperWritings.com coupon code deals on coupon sites.

That’s it. All you have to do is wait until your awesome paper will be ready.

When in doubt

Many students ask us if submitting the work they order with us as their own is legit. Well, let me put it this way: we guarantee that no one will know from us who have written this assignment for you. We also can make sure that it’s free of any plagiarism. However, if you have moral reservations and you believe it to be intellectually dishonest, you may build your own paper on the example we provided. Use it as raw material and inspiration. Either way, it is entirely up to you. The paper is yours to be used whichever way you deem appropriate.

As a P.S.

Finally, if you’ve been looking up where we are on the map you might be surprised to find that the registered PaperWriting location is in sunny Cyprus. Our head office likes it there, because of the climate and tax regulations. Both are milder than those in the US and agree with us better. However, our writers can work remotely, so they are scattered all over the United States, UK, and Australia.

If you have any further questions, we encourage you to check our F.A.Q. section on the official site or contact our team for more details.