What are you writing about?

Every time you write anything you must know why you do it. If the writer doesn’t know the point of their writing then the reader certainly will not get it out of the air.

That means in a perfect world, a writer without a point will soon be a writer without a reader. Or at least a writer with a confused and frustrated reader. Most of the paper writings reviews from admission officers and college professors point out the lack of clear objective of the essays students submit to them.


As a student, you must understand that successful essays aren’t those that have the specified word count and have rhetorical figures peppered here and there for decoration. Successful essays are those that change the mind of the reader – at least for a while – in a way that the writer intended. You are in charge of the reader’s experience.

So, before you even start crafting the topic, think. What is your point? Why does it matter? Why you reader should even bother to consume your text?

Coming up with the topic

First, decide on your topic. Just take the subject you plan to address. Narrow it down to one particular word or straightforward phrase. For instance, you plan to create an article about organic farming. Then that’s your phrase – organic farming.

Second, what about it? Ask yourself a relevant question about your topic. For example, how can you make people support organic farming more? Now turn that question into a statement, such as “You can make organic farming mainstream”. This is your point. But you aren’t carried out but.

Third, you will want to expand and get your point across so you should come up with supporting points. Don’t forget, not only do you have to make your point, but you also want to make it clear and apparent, so that your readers would think: “How come I never thought of it myself?” That is why support is crucial.

Crafting the thesis statement

The number of supporting points can be any that fits the length of your essay. For an average college paper, three is a good number. For example, for our topic that would be something along the lines: buying locally, preferring seasonal vegetables, and cooking at home.

Ultimately, you join your statement with the three points and use a preposition to join the two with each other. In this case probably \by\ would work greatest and often \due to the fact\ is a very good option. Some other prepositions consist of about, during, via, under, and with.

Now you have a very good introductory paragraph:
You can make organic farming mainstream by buying locally, preferring seasonal vegetables, and cooking at home.

Not only do you have a point that you will be clear and apparent to the reader, but you also have a road map for your essay. Just expand on every supporting point and you will have a strong case and great structure.

Taking a couple of minutes to come up with your main point for your writing is worth spending the time as it will make your work simpler and the result more effective.