Student types you will definitely meet in your classroom

College changes many of us. People usually don’t leave the walls of their school the same person that had been admitted four years prior. Therefore, the types described below aren’t static. People may grow their way through the succession of them and leave them behind as clothes that are now too small to fit their entire personality. One thing is certain – you can find them in any classroom.

The White-Knuckler


This is the hyperventilating bundle of nerves that turns everything into drama. This guy (or gal) is overcome with worry about everything – from the professor being late to a lost pencil. The most terrible thing for this type of student is the unknown because they let their imagination run wild if there’s any call for it. They overthink every question on the test and often get lost trying to find a catch in a pretty straightforward question. They dread failure and even if they are polishing their second draft of an essay that is due in two weeks, they will still google frantically  is Paper Writings legit  – just in case. They can have a nervous breakdown if the professor doesn’t turn the graded tests precisely the day she said she would. They can be pretty smart but they tend to underestimate their abilities and overestimate ramifications of every step they take.

The Smarty Pants


…aka the Know-It-All, aka the Human Encyclopedia. There are lots of erudite students in any college, but Mr. and Ms. Smarty Pants are usually distributed one per class. Why this scarcity? It’s quite easy – bookish disposition and high IQ scores aren’t nearly enough to qualify you for this title. You have to possess that overpowering desire to show everyone your intellectual superiority. You have to be obnoxious. You have to be narcissistic and forget all that nonsense about silence being golden. If you have a shred of knowledge about the issue the professor has just brought up – LET. IT. SHOW.

The Tech Geek


Even if you major in Humanities, your class probably has your own Tech Geek. Tech Geek approaches everything from the tech point of view. (S)he is the one who creates customized student planner app because those ready-made ones available for downloading are lame. They are the ones who create a closed group in an obscure geeky messenger to crowd-source useful campus information without realizing that the number of users of the said messenger lining on campus equals about four people (themselves included). They build robots that are supposed to save them oodles of time by making their sandwiches in the morning. Pity they have already spent man-hours on building it about enough to run cafeteria for three weeks.

The Frat/The Sis


We are all social animals and Greek life is a nice added bonus to college opportunities. That said, some people take it to the whole new level. This is their niche. Their devotion to Fraternity/Sorority is cult-like and uncanny. It’s not just an element of college life. It becomes their life. They hang out only with other bros/sisters as if socializing outside the group were fraternizing with the enemy (pun intended). They are the ones that insist on having identical hairdos and makeup and reinforce the stereotypes about “frats” and “sorority girls” entrenched in the mass culture. Well, at least someone enjoys it.

The Athlete


This individual sports shorts and shirt combo as if they just left the gym or is going there in a minute every hour of every day. This doesn’t mean that they are a Division I athlete. They just like to look this way. The nonchalant air and readiness to struggle their way through the cheering crowd of fans (even if there aren’t any) are also compulsory attributes. Usually, the Athlete makes a point of not caring about the tests and assignments as visibly as possible. They are here to win the victory for their team and get the degree as an added bonus. All those petty academic formalities couldn’t bother the true Athlete less. 

The Sleeping Beauty


This person must be seriously sleep-deprived because their ability to fall asleep in the least likely time and place is impressive. However, you may feel a bit envious watching them as they drool peacefully in the front row, sloooowly sliding down, oblivious to the world around them. That is, until they wake up sharply – startled and disheveled – as the professor clears his throat loudly or simply raises his voice for the effect. Usually, they are the focal point of class’ attention on days when the lecture is particularly boring, the anonymous Instagram stars and staples of viral YouTube videos.